Sunday, January 15, 2012

So far so good...

Well 15 days later and I'm on track with my 2012 painting schedule. 75 stands done.

All the work done so far.

Joseph Bonaparte in 1812 (I realized after painting him, he went back to Westphalia after arguing with Davout so he saw no actual fighting making the corp stand for him pointless....but it was fun painting him)

Stockmeyer's Brigade at Gross Beeren (1813) the Wurttemburg 7th Line Infantry and the 9th & 10th Light Battalions attached.

Wurttemburg Foot and Horse Artillery (The horse teams for the foot artillery wasn't finished in time for the photos)

French Young Guard 1st Voltigeurs

French 11th (left) & 26th (right) Chasseurs

Late war Saxon  Hussars and Uhlans

Late war Saxon Heavy Cavalry, the Lifeguards and the Zastrow Cuirassier. (Sadly the photos don't do these guys justice, they are up there with some of my best work)

Swedish Infantry. Brandstroem's Brigade; the Vastgotadahls, Vestmanlands and Jamtlands Regiments (from left to right). I replaced the Nerike regiment with the Jamtland, to bring some variety to the brigade. I liked their grey uniforms with green facing color.

8th Prussian Infantry (1st Brandenburg) in 1813

5th Prussian Infantry (4th East Prussian) in 1813

Austrian Erdody (Frimont) Hussars

I painted a stand of Swedish artillery and two of seven years war Prussian Cuirassier as well, but I figure by themselves they weren't enough for a solo pic (they're included in the big photo though).

Hopefully I keep up the pace and get everything done soon.

2011 Leftovers

So I didn't really keep up with my blog at the end of year and several units never made it up here. I figure I would display them before showing my 2012 work.

First off we have the Old Guard from Austerlitz. The Chasseurs, Grenadiers and the Italian Velites.

Some Seven Years War Hanoverians. Wahgenheim's Brigade from Krefeld.

Seven Years War Hanoverian heavy cavalry.

Heise Horse, Garde du Corp and Grenadiers a' Cheval

WSS/7YW French Dragoons. Du Roy (in Blue) and Apchon (in Red)

Seven Years War Austrian Szechenyi Hussars

WSS/7YW French Artillery

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back on track...

Okay, sssooo.....totally failed at last years painting schedule. I blame running a complicated D&D campaign (which was an awesome time) and WoW (Damn you crack-craft!!!!). But the D&D party wiped, so I'm free of DMing for awhile (fingers crossed) and WoW even with 4.3 patch has gotten stale pretty fast. I hope the next expansion doesn't come out til fall/winter. And in some ways I'm lucky my old PC can't handle SWTOR, because I have no doubt that would suck me in fast. Once again I feel inspired to paint whats left of the Napoleonics and 7YW I own. To be honest not sure why...the remaining collection is scattered and unorganized I can't actually play a battle. But I do wish to finish them...most likely sell on Ebay afterwards.

The plan is to paint 5 stands, or one Heroics and Ros pack, per day. So far so good. Since 12/30 have painted a twelve stand Swedish Infantry brigade, a late war Saxon Light Cavalry Brigade and some 7YW Prussian Cuirassier. At 1 pack a day that's just over 150 stand by months end. So I'll come back in 29 days with all the photos of what I completed...and it better be 150 stands.

Til then, be warm and safe.